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What Health Issues And Conditions Are Specific To Women Only?

women's health issues

We’re breathing on a globe where numerous well-being related diseases are highly linked with us. The actuality we require to believe that any disease can affect any person at any age. Few of that sort of complications are complicated and are not convenient to treat whereas few could be conveniently healed through even following natural remedies. Certain of those sicknesses are immensely prone to men whereas as certain of the maladies are prone to woman. However some complications can only get a female but not man. Females are very prone to evolve STI than man because Women are the host when they involve in sexual relation. STI most often spreads from one person to another by sex. However, this doesn’t mean that a male person can’t get STI. Male person can also catch STD but the possibilities are lesser than female. Here are the top health c0omplications which are connected with female.

Breast cancer

breast cancer for women health

A person can consider breast cancer as one of the main well-being maladies among females. 12 per cent of Women have already been impacted from this annoying cancer. It is a kind of cancer that occurs within the breast tissues. You should need to know the reality that breast cancer is extremely common in developed world than developing countries. Millions of woman each year demise because of they’ve evolves breast cancer and have not diagnosed it in its initial stage. If you have breast cancer & if you are identified it in its initial stage, your possibilities of surviving can highly increase. There’s a proper treatment exist for breast cancer although whether the therapy will function or not is highly depends on the stage of cancer.

Cardiovascular maladies

cardiovascular disesase fo women health

Mainly people do believe that cardiovascular issues is enormously linked with male but it is also linked with female. I think this is a biggest misbelief going on among people. True, cardiovascular diseases such as cardiac arrest, angina, coronary artery disease, pulmonary heart disease, congenital heart disease and myocardial infarction are usually occur in man but this does not mean that a male cannot catch these well-being complications. There are millions of matters have been recognised where a female has received demise due to cardiovascular illnesses. So, if you are a woman, what you require to understand is that do not ignore symptoms such as excessive sweating, nausea, jaw ache, uncomfortable pressure at the center of the chest, shortness of breath and lightheadedness.

Genital Herpes Infection

genital herpes infection in women

Trust it or not but it is a real truth that genital herpes is an epidemic infection which mainly affects female. A research has claimed that approximately 10 to 20 percent of woman in US have been going through genital herpes infection and most of them are Females. Genital herpes is a very contagious illness that can easily influence any person at any age. It is mainly caused through the herpes simplex virus 2. Once herpes virus intrudes in your body it is not possible to cure it for good.


AIDS which is stand for Acquired immune deficiency syndrome is an immensely prevalent sexually transmitted infection throughout the world especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Human immune-deficiency virus is the reasons of the development of AIDS. Startlingly a person with HIV does not evolve any sorts of symptoms or suffers from general cold or flu. As the sickness progresses it interferes in immune system that gradually affects body’s ability to fight from even simple illnesses. As a result the patient cannot be able to combat up from even cold or minor infection.

Diseases related to reproductive well-being

The other common well-being issue that a female typically experiences is reproductive problem. There’re several health complication have been linked with reproductive system like uterine fibroids, ovarian syndrome, Interstitial Cystitis and many other linked problems. The very common cause of developing reproductive issues is insecure sex. If we converse regarding uterine fibroids, we would find that it’s a common well-being issue which commonly does not lead to any main health complication. It is a type of tumor that almost every time remains non-cancerous & does not alter into cancer. In very rare cases, fibroids can cause acute health complications including cancer.

Alzheimer Disease

Alzheimer Disease for women health

You might not familiar regarding Alzheimer disease but it’s a very common brain disorder by knowing the reality that about 47 to 49 million people were affected from this disorder. Certain researches believe that Alzheimer Disease is very likely to develop in women than males. This is a complication where a patient can’t able to remember or perform even common things. It calculated that more than half of the 4.5 million Americans living with this condition are Women. So, it indicates that this condition is more prevalent in female than male.


Menopause is often defined as a time period where a woman experiences holistic declination of reproductive hormones. Typically this problem develops when a female reaches her 45 to 55. The woman having this problem, does not able to bear child. This an enormously common occurring issue in Women.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

This is a severe lung related issue which has the potential to affect any person at any stage. It is extremely prevalent in a person who smokes a lot because smoking influences lungs as badly as you might even not think. Previously it’s believed that COPD is strongly associated with men however in present woman is also inclining very prone to COPD. It is also a actuality that later stage of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease typically detected in female than man. Later stage of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease generally hard to treat but simply becomes life-threatening.

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